Monday, October 24


went KL for photo shooting.
with baba, mama, sab, asilah, paige and Mira.
our task is traffic trails, light trails, zooming and panning effect.
gotta show 2 of them to chemat this tuesday~~

yeayeaaa first stop. Pavilion =D

snowflakes for sure~ all happy face =D (this photo credits to baba)
all chose best seller except me! alotttttttttt taro balls~


 first trying of zooming effect. 
 Sabrina The Witch =P

 zooming try out 2
went tokyo street =D
Paige met her domo-kun! xD
we all, trying to shoot panning!
guess how people looked at us
 the people passing by were like...
trying out panning, bad one =(
zooming again

 WE <3
introducing my loves, Sabrina and Mama =D

 stooooopid me =P

erm, is this GIF moving or not??

first try of Traffic Trails. hehe, wait for my final work =P

check out mama and aesie's post of this. =D

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